Distance education: pros and cons


Higher education is not available to everyone, and it costs a lot. Therefore, distance education is an attractive alternative for many. But it is worth remembering that there are disadvantages everywhere. And when choosing how to study, you should keep them in mind along with the advantages.


Having decided to get a profession, a person always faces a dilemma: to go to school or to start earning? As a rule, studying at university excludes the possibility of a full-time job. Most students can only hope for a lucrative job in the future. Many are forced to give up higher education in favor of basic survival. What's most frustrating is that the lucky holders of bachelor's and master's degrees are just as likely to face gaps in their knowledge. Distance learning - often referred to as distance learning or online learning - is a good way out for both those learning from scratch and those wishing to upgrade their skills. However, the advantages and disadvantages of this type of education are quite different from full-time education. Let's look at it in order.


Freedom of choice and movement


A university student's choice of courses is usually limited. Our universities always have a compulsory set of subjects that you are required to take - regardless of your preferences. Also, a student is required to get up early every day to attend lectures. Distance learning is much more flexible. First, you can choose the subjects of your choice. Secondly, you don't need to follow the rigid schedule: if you want - watch the lectures in the evening, if you want - listen to the lesson in the subway from your phone.


The opportunity to learn from the best teachers


Not everyone can go to the capital to enter a famous university. Such a trip means a significant expense, and the competition for admission is usually not serious. Fortunately, some reputable universities often offer distance courses in a variety of disciplines. The result is that you can study with a renowned professor and earn a degree from a reputable institution without leaving home.


Relatively low tuition costs


Even if you are accepted to a degree program, you have to pay a lot of money. As a nonresident student you need to pay for rented accommodation and food. Studying at your place of residence does not exclude expenses, and working, again, is difficult. In the case of distance learning, the costs are significantly less. Firstly, the courses themselves are much cheaper than a university education. Secondly, with this form of training you can work full-time.

However, with all the attractiveness of distance learning, we can not fail to mention its significant disadvantages.


1.     Procrastination is my enemy.


Many people work much better when there is a dragon-inspector in the form of a professor or supervisor.  Studying remotely, you are responsible for everything to yourself. It is extremely difficult to get organized when you do not have a strict dean's office over you, demanding that you submit your credits on time. You won't have student friends who can explain physics to you in exchange for help writing essays and reminding you about your homework, either. An online student is a person with remarkable willpower.


2.     And how to prove that you are you.

Studying online or corresponding by mail with a tutor, it is very difficult to prove that it was you who did the assignments. And this reduces the credibility of the certificates you receive. Usually, serious educational programs have different methods of verification: with special programs, video conferences, and presentation of your documents. But as a rule, such verification concerns only the final tests. But for essays and all kinds of written work, there is a service called "Buy assignment". where students can order everything they need for studies and easily prove their authorship. However, this problem is not new for traditional education.


3.     But is it worth it?

Courses are different, because the problem with verification works both ways. If your teacher can not objectively evaluate your knowledge from a distance, you can not always evaluate the quality of the information offered to you. Very often you realize that the course is of low quality, already having paid the tuition fee and started to study. That is why you need to be very careful when choosing a program.


4.     lack of practice

Not all specialties can be mastered by correspondence. Doctors, biologists, engineers must not only know the theory, but also have practical skills. In some cases, it is possible to have practical field trips, of course. But what can students living in remote regions do?

Nowadays, there is an increasing demand for people who are ready to study all their lives. And the opportunity to choose between full-time, part-time and distance learning does make such perpetual learning a reality. But not everyone can force themselves to study without external influence. And not everyone can find a computer with the Internet. Until the problems of true accessibility and stable quality of distance learning are solved, it will not be an option suitable for everyone without exception.

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